About this report
This publication, which is the first sustainability report to be compiled by RAG Austria AG, contains information on sustainability issues relating to the 2018 financial year. The company’s financial year runs from January to December. The content of this report exclusively pertains to its locations in Austria.
Transparency is one of the tenets of corporate social responsibility. We conform to this principle by providing information on decisions and activities that affect society and the environment. This report is intended to give our stakeholders an insight into our operations and highlight the targets and measures we have adopted to ensure that we live up to our responsibilities as a corporate citizen. However, we do not wish to conceal from them the areas where we still see room for improvement and the action that will need to be taken in future.
This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Option Core. The report was approved by the RAG Austria AG Executive Board without being externally audited.
In future, we will inform our stakeholders regularly on our action and progress. The next report is planned for 2021, and will cover the 2019 and 2020 financial years. Unlike this report, the second one is to comply with the GRI core option, and will be audited by an independent auditor. The editorial deadline for this report was 1 July 2019.
We look forward to responding to any questions or suggestions you may have on behalf of RAG Austria AG.
About RAG Austria AG